vocational colleges是什么意思

尊游百科 高考 15 0
p>今天,小编为大家带了vocational colleges是什么意思,希望能帮助到广大考生和家长,一起来看看吧!br>br>/p>p>/p>h2> 本文目录一览 /h2> ul> li class="margin-ottom: 3px;list-style: none"> /li> li class="margin-ottom: 3px;list-style: none"> 缩写 /li> li class="margin-ottom: 3px;list-style: none"> /li> li class="margin-ottom: 3px;list-style: none"> /li> li class="margin-ottom: 3px;list-style: none"> /li> /ul> h2 id="vocational colleges是什么意思"> vocational colleges是什么意思 /h2> p> 假期大学,兼职学校,应该是相当于有时间就读的那种夜校, 是非全日制的学校 /p> p> 高职院校 /p> p> 你好!高职学校,职业院校仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷, 。 /p> p> /p> h2 id="vocational and technical college怎么缩写"> vocational and technical college怎么缩写 /h2> p> 意思是:职业技术学院 这个缩写的话,一般前面加上名字,进行设计即可。比如:北大两种写法Beijing University 或 Peking University 一般用Peking University,北大校徽上印的 这个,它的缩写为PKU。清华大学也有两种写法: Qinghua University或Tsinghua University,常用后者,缩写为THU。名字缩写+V&T+C /p> p> /p> h2 id="guangdong vocational college of science and trade 怎么读"> guangdong vocational college of science and trade 怎么读 /h2> p> guangdong vocational college of science and trade广东科贸职业学院 /p> p> 你好!是Guangdong Polytechnic of Science And Trade如有疑问,请追问。 /p> p> guangdong vocational college of science and trade广东科贸职业学院 /p> p> /p> h2 id="Professional College和Vocational"> Professional College和Vocational /h2> p> 你好,根据您的描述,出题者应该是想让您分别讨论vocational college和university的 ,也就是技校与普通大学的区别。college单独有附属学院的意思, 是某所大学的学院,当然也有技术学院的意思。如果您当时讲college的 是按照技校的概念去写的话,应该 判跑题。 /p> p> A vocational school (or trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular jo. Traditionally, vocational schools have not existed to further education in the sense of lieral arts, ut rather to teach only jo-specific skills, and as such have een etter considered to e institutions devoted to training, not education. /p> h2 id="Vocational College是什么意思"> Vocational College是什么意思 /h2> p> Vocational College网 络职业技术学院;职业大学;职业学院;高职学院双语例句1. Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs. 按照能力,一些学生被分到大学预科班,另一些则被分到职业培训班。2. Can you tell me the way to ShanDong Textile Vocational College? 你能告诉我到山东纺织职业学院怎么走 吗 ?3. It inevitaly needs high campus culture to uild high - level vocational college.建设高水平的高职院校,必然包含高层次的校园文化.4. The paper puts forward some suggestions on continuous education mode and contents of vocational college lirarians. 随着知识经济的到来,读者对高职学院提出了更高的要求.5. Every higher vocational college an actively response to it and made great progress. 各高职学院对此做出了积极的回应,并取得了好的成效. /p> p> 职业学院 /p> p>/p> p>以上就是整理的vocational colleges是什么意思相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅。/p>
